Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lovely Fall Day

The Captain and I just went and did the marriage license thing at the county court house. We have to wait three days before we get the document, though. They have that waiting period thing in Mississippi.

Then we went to the garden center because it's such a gorgeous day - sunny, breezy, and 65 degrees - so I decided I wanted some pumpkins for the front porch. We got four or five picked out, then I heard someone else asking to get some potting soil bags loaded into their truck. That made me think I might need some too, so the Captain asked for some to be put in our vehicle as well. I had to rearrange some things in the back, though, because the seats were already lying down and the back was still pretty full up with wedding things I bought the other day.

While I was at it, I went ahead and purchased some more mums, since I was there and they were only $3.99.

The Captain was like, "Where is this all going to fit?... When we left the house, you said we didn't need to clean the SUV out because you weren't going to buy anything."


I told him he should just be glad that I'm a simple girl and get excited about a new flower, some gourds, and a couple of dirt bags, instead of designer handbags and big, flashy jewelry.

I love Fall :-)


smartass sob said...

When we left the house, you said we didn't need to clean the SUV out because you weren't going to buy anything."

You weren't going to buy anything - but it's a woman's perogative to change her mind. :-)


Jennifer Abel said...

Woo hoo! So when's the wedding?

Chatelaine said...

Well, I not usually a big wishy washy mind-changer, SASOB, but I will admit that lately, I'm a little overwhelmed, so I probably do make decisions that I'm waffling on.

But it's flowers, and dirt, and pumpkins! I just couldn't resist.

Chatelaine said...

Hi, Jennifer - It's 9 days away, October 17th. I'm ready. Not nervous at all.

The Captain said...

Getting excited about a couple of dirt bags is OK as long as we're not talking about old boyfriends.

The Wine Commonsewer (TWC) said...

Hey, Blondie, I was going to link to something on your old blog and I see you've put a padlock on it!

Hi Jennifer!

Getting excited about a couple of dirt bags is OK as long as we're not talking about old boyfriends.


TWC said...

We have to wait three days before we get the document, though. They have that waiting period thing in Mississippi.

They're running a wants and warrants on Cappy.....

smartass sob said...

They're running a wants and warrants on Cappy.....



Step Outta Line The Man Come & Take You Away said...

Saw it anyway Blondie. Even though you deleted it. You can't delete it from the feed once you've posted it.

All I can say is these two things:

Welcome to my world.


Just 'cuz yer not paranoid doesn't mean they ain't out to get you.

Just be clickin' my name now.

Chatelaine said...

I have no idea what you're talking about, Man.

Chatelaine said...

"They're running a wants and warrants on Cappy....."

The lady at the courthouse did look at me several times as if she was suspicious. I think it was his west coast accent. You know how small-towners are about foreigners. ;-)